on site optimization

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We don’t do on site optimization because we believe that our clients will always be better in describing their products and services than we will. What an optimizer does? Does he invent text content or ideas? Certainly not. An optimizer works on optimizing the content or the text you already have and that you have …

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Why Am I Losing to My Competitors in the Keyword Game? Unveiling the Dark Secrets

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I just found out that sometimes, despite our best efforts, we still find ourselves lagging behind our competitors in the SEO game for certain keywords or phrases. So, why am I behind competition for certain keywords or phrases? Let’s dive into the dark secrets that could be holding you back from outranking your competition. Inexperienced …

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Why Google analytics sucks?

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I had a conversation with a possible client recently about Google analytics, and when I suggested to him to use statcounter instead of Google analytics, he asked me to explain further. So, I explained to him that we don’t use Google Analytics. Instead, we use Statcounter because it gives us usable and actionable data. Google …

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Google knows things about you and so do I!

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I hope you enjoy reading this post, while you are having your morning coffee! There you are, sitting behind that little box of yours, navigating and surfing on the Internet. Looking for some breaking shitty world news, or perhaps some useful information in different fields, or some scandals and naked photos or porn sites maybe! …

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How can you build a Perfect Website?

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The “perfect” website does not exist.  One positive aspect of the internet is that it provides nearly instant feedback in the form of traffic flow.  Build a great website and people come.  Build a lousy website and people leave.  It’s that simple.  While “perfect” really exists in the eye of the beholder, building a great …

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Internet Services Providers & Reputation Management

What is the difference between reputable and disreputable companies? And how do companies earn their reputation? The difference between  reputable and disreputable companies is identified according to certain situations faced by clients with the staff or the representatives of a company. The staff of any company are the first image a client sees and the …

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Online Marketing And SEO Questionnaire

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1. What is our customer segment? (Start-ups, small business, virtual shops, big companies…) We deal with all kinds of businesses in most fields, whether big or small firms or even individuals who own sites and would like to market their sites, whether doctors, plumbers, mechanics, writers, lawyers. 2. What type of services do we provide? …

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